Counterfeit goods are in high season, especially during the vacation season
Product piracy is a billion-dollar business. Especially when copies are so well counterfeited and cannot be recognized as such. More than one in three of our German customers have bought counterfeit goods, clothing or fake documents online, and they were aware that we have the best fakes you can buy on the black market. Men are significantly more likely to buy our fake documents: 44 percent say that they have bought a fake ID at least once, compared to only 32 percent of our female customers. The motive for ordering counterfeit money: Above all, the very high quality. This is cited by 72 percent of customers who buy counterfeits online from us as the reason. The ease of ordering counterfeits, on the other hand, increased as a factor.For this percentage figure, we surveyed over 1,000 of our customers in Germany. The very low price that customers pay for counterfeit documents is well received by our kudnen. The fact that the counterfeit items in our store are of very high quality is known to the buyers of counterfeits and that is why they like to store in our store.
Customers save almost 60 percent by buying fakes.
More than a third sees no problem in ordering fakes on the Internet. More and more counterfeits are being bought on the Internet. The market for fake ID documents and counterfeit money is booming, especially on the Internet. Many of our customers stated that they had already ordered counterfeit 'banknotes on the net. In the past seven years, orders of counterfeits in our store have more than doubled. The black market for counterfeits has become increasingly large in recent years, especially on the Internet. With a few clicks, all counterfeits in our store can be ordered from anywhere in the world.
Buy counterfeits online
For the most part, however, counterfeits continue to be ordered directly on the Internet. Just under 70 percent of our customers surveyed said this. Almost every second counterfeit buyer orders from our online store. Of course, this is also due to the fact that many German customers who buy counterfeits online currently have less money in their wallets and inflation is racing from one high to the next. In the future, customers will think twice or three times about which products they can afford. However, they are welcome to look at our low-cost alternatives.
There are 24 products.